Author Archives for Michelle Canniff

About Michelle Canniff
Michelle is head of Forensic Accounting at SMW, bringing more than 25 years of experience in the field of investigative and forensic accounting. Her expertise includes analyzing and measuring commercial insurance claims consisting of business interruption, extra expense, property damage, inventory, and fidelity losses from small to complex matters.

Extra Expense Coverage: Part I
March 10, 2023 1:44 pm Leave your thoughts We recently handled a claim involving a private country club that had a maintenance building burn completely to the ground. This large structure housed all of the equipment the club’s maintenance team needed to take care of its upscale golf course: mowing machines, tractors, aerators, and various fertilizers and chemicals. This fire caused a total… View More
When Insurance Carriers Cut Corners, Policyholders Pay The Price
January 24, 2023 1:59 pm Leave your thoughts In March of 2022, Michelle Canniff joined SMW as head of Forensic Accounting. In her role, she’s leading the SMW teams focusing on commercial losses, business interruption, extra expense and time element claims. This gives her a unique perspective on the insurance industry based on her past experience and her new perspective from the public adjuster’s… View More