June 18, 2024

Employee Spotlight: Amber Lawrence

What was your major in college?
I went to beauty school for 2 years and earned my cosmetology license.

What was your first job?
I was a cashier at State Line Pet Supply, where my daughter now works. My favorite part was seeing all the animals.

What interested you about this job at SMW?
It’s very different than anything I’ve ever done. Before this, I was a mail order pharmacy technician where I received prescriptions from doctors, wrote them out and sent them to our pharmacists who would fill them. My favorite part of my position at SMW is that it’s different every day.

What’s your most memorable takeaway from a recent loss?
Seeing how personal property looks after it’s destroyed by a fire – I never knew TVs melted in such weird ways.

What are your hobbies?  
I like eating out with friends and family, and I’m a big sports fan.

What’s your favorite sports team?
Patriots; I come from a big football family.

What was the last concert you went to?
Get The Led Out, a Led Zeppelin cover band.  It was packed, but we were in a suite looking down at the scene so it was very fun.

Favorite food?
Sushi from Sushi Time. My favorite is the New Hampshire roll – it’s shrimp, eel, avocado and crab.

What’s the worst trend you participated in?
A purple jumpsuit that made me look like Barney the Dinosaur.

How do you motivate others? How do others motivate you?
Positivity, and positivity!

What would colleagues say is your best quality?      
I am eager to learn, and I come in with confidence. I always get right to the first task of the day and then I’m ready for whatever’s next.

Name a time when you did the right thing and no one saw.
I found a wallet and gave it back to an older lady who dropped it in a public bathroom.  I was only 16 at the time but I made sure to do the right thing.

Favorite vacation spot?
Old Orchard Beach in Maine. My whole family goes and we’re all there for a week at a time.  There are around 20 of us and we keep growing.

What is your daily attire?
Yoga pants and a t-shirt.

Favorite TV show?

Do you like Audio books or reading books?
I prefer podcasts – and I’m open to suggestions! My commute is between one and two hours, so I definitely have the time.

What’s your favorite picture you’ve taken?
Me and my daughter Savanna at my brother’s wedding.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
I’d choose to either read minds (which may not be good but could be interesting) or be able to fly.

If you could pick a new first name what would it be?
I’d keep my name.

Who is your celebrity crush?
Charlie Hunnam – I actually have a blanket with him on it that my Grandmother gave to me.

How do you maintain a work life balance?
I’m still trying to figure that out. I was home 24/7 and now I’m back in the office.  Family does help me out a lot.

What trait are you most proud of in your child?
Savanna is 14, and she’s so open and kind with everybody.

Do you have any pets?
I have four dogs, two cats (Luna & Leo), and a giant rabbit – the rabbit is so huge he has his own bedroom.

Favorite music?
I love a little bit of everything – rock, country, pop. My playlist is all over the place.

Favorite color?

Favorite movie?
It’s a tie – The Heat, and The Other Woman.

Most frequently used app?

Dream vacation?
The Maldives.

Any bucket list items?
Scuba diving – maybe in the Maldives!

Any nicknames?
Ambz – it’s actually on my license plate.

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If you’ve had a fire, flood or other property loss resulting in an insurance claim, and need a public insurance adjuster in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, New England or anywhere in the U.S. or Caribbean, call Swerling Milton Winnick. We are the oldest and largest public adjusting firm in New England, and our team of experts will give you personalized, 24/7 attention to successfully resolve your residential or business insurance claim.